Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grace goes to New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts for Audition

Today my dad and I drove up to the Westin Tabor Center in Denver to audition for the summer acting program for the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. I preformed a super fun monologue from the play Invisible Friends about a seventeen year old with an imaginary friend. I learned a lot of great information from Milton and was auditioned by Joan See the Artistic Director. I auditioned in front of a camera as well as Joan. I met some aspiring actors one with a single dread lock. They had wonderful Starbucks coffee for us and other delicious food. I visited the little girl's room often, partially out of nervousness and partially from the coffee. Both Joan and Milton were friendly and helpful. It was good to gain experience in auditions. I wore a blue shoulder-less shirt and jeans.  We ate at Jimmy John's but forgot the chips so we had to drive back and get them. All in all, nice day. Love Grace Klaus

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Grace! I can't get over how great your family blog is! Wish I knew you and your Dad were coming up to Denver. You could have stopped by and met my standard poodle 'Doc'! I work like three blocks from the Westin @ Tabor Center. I know you did great and hope you get a call. I'm on Facebook/Nancy Sowell (people @ work just call me by my first name) :-) Tell your Mom & Dad hi for me!! Wishing you good luck in everything!! Lynne
