Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grace and Victoria preform in school plays

Yesterday Victoria and I finished our school plays. We both acted in a different one act plays. Mine was titled "Its Not You, Its Me" and I played a Psychic and a regular girl. The play was about a series of ridiculous break ups. Victoria preformed in "The Very Unmerry Adventures of Robin Hood."  She played the leading lady, Maid Marion. Hers was about an immature Robin Hood's attempt to save Sherwood Forest. We both had a fabulous time!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grace Becomes a Teenage Game Show Contestant

Today I did a photo shoot for a teenage book. The character I portrayed was Olivia, an excited teenage game show contestant. The photographer was Mike Heath with Magnus-Creative. It was fun and relaxed. I stood behind a game show podium for the photo shoot and gave a bunch of different poses. I was excited to do my first photo shoot! I'll post the photos as soon as I get them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grace and Victoria are on Youtube

Come check out the first time videos by Grace and Victoria on Youtube.  Grace sings Soon We'll be Found by Sia and Victoria sings Put Your Reconds On by Corrine Bailey Rae.

Let them know what you think!

Grace Gets Accepted to The New York Conservatory!

Hooray!! We are so excited for Grace. Now we just have to work out a plan on how to make it happen.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grace goes to New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts for Audition

Today my dad and I drove up to the Westin Tabor Center in Denver to audition for the summer acting program for the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. I preformed a super fun monologue from the play Invisible Friends about a seventeen year old with an imaginary friend. I learned a lot of great information from Milton and was auditioned by Joan See the Artistic Director. I auditioned in front of a camera as well as Joan. I met some aspiring actors one with a single dread lock. They had wonderful Starbucks coffee for us and other delicious food. I visited the little girl's room often, partially out of nervousness and partially from the coffee. Both Joan and Milton were friendly and helpful. It was good to gain experience in auditions. I wore a blue shoulder-less shirt and jeans.  We ate at Jimmy John's but forgot the chips so we had to drive back and get them. All in all, nice day. Love Grace Klaus

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Klaus Family Blog

We wrapped up a wonderful 2010 and are looking forward to an incredible 2011. This is our family blog where we all plan to share our lives with you. We will be posting photos, videos and blogs from all of us throughout the year. Enjoy and let us know what you think!